Warren Buffet explains why you haven’t hit your goals (and what to do about it)

Karmsheel Ramsugit
3 min readMay 21, 2024


Warren Buffet has a net wealth of $117 Billion, which puts him at the top of the successful humans category.

By this measure, he has been incredibly productive.

In Slipstream #34, I go into deeper detail on how 99% of this wealth was made after his 50th birthday!

This is a man who knows how to get things done, and how to achieve big goals.

He knows how to play the long game.

Many years ago, I read a story about a famous conversation with his pilot, who Warren was shocked to discover had not moved on from his role after 10 years. Mr Buffet saw this as a problem that he attributed to his own leadership, and thus he gave some earnest advice on how the pilot could go about achieving the bigger goals in his life that kept eluding him.

The root cause of his lack of achievement?


A key insight is that there is a difference between a task and a goal. A task is easily achievable, goals are broad and long-term.

Most people get caught up in many mundane tasks that serve (too many) various goals. Because of the overall lack of focus, you do not generate enough momentum on any one of the goals you may have, and thus vacillate from task to task hoping you would eventually reach a goal, any goal.

Buffet’s method is simple yet highly effective.

The process to creating your Goal Focus List:

  • List all your big goals you would like to achieve. Make it 25 or more.
  • Circle the goals you truly desire / highest importance (max 5)
  • This is now your Must-Do list

That’s it!

Most of (if not all) your tasks should lead to achieving something on this list.

The remaining 20 form the "Avoid-at-all-costs list"

  • This is what will distract you from achieving the Top 5 goals you have selected.
  • When you are about to do something in the Bottom 20, rather ask yourself if you can do a Top 5 task instead

The main insight I gleaned was the Avoid-at-all-costs list.

Its quite simple really.

It’s not the things you don’t want to do that keep you from achieving your goals. Its the things you want almost as badly as the goals you truly desire that will trip you up.

Put another way.

It’s the good ideas that keep you from succeeding at the great ideas.

Action Steps for you:

  • Try this technique out and tell me if you had any success. What’s a bottom-20 goal that’s blocked you from achieving your top-5 goal?

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Also, drop a comment if I sparked an idea in your head, I’d love to know more how this resonated!



Karmsheel Ramsugit
Karmsheel Ramsugit

Written by Karmsheel Ramsugit

A multi-disciplinary thinker and entrepreneur. Sharing my thoughts on business, health, cryptocurrency and the future of our species

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